Breast cancer

Having a mammogram at age 40 is dangerous, but the prostatic antigen It is even worse. That's why they just updated the recommendations for the detection of three different types of Cancer .

Breast cancer

The mammography can detect slow-growing tumors that would not cause any problems, even without treatment breast cancer . These harmless tumors are treated as if they were lethal because they look the same as mortals in that test. Unfortunately, 1 out of every 3 women with this type of cancer receives treatment unnecessarily.

Recently, the recommendation to start these tests at 40 years has been delayed until 50, and instead of doing it annually, it is preferable only every 2 years. In addition, doctors have been asked not to teach their patients the breast self-examination , because it is not very useful and cause unnecessary scares.


Cervical cancer

For women between 21 and 30 years, the cytology for this type of cancer is every 2 years, instead of annual, such is the new recommendation. In young women, precancerous lesions are common but disappear on their own without treatment.

When the cytology finds these lesions, the gynecologist removes them with procedures that can damage the cervix and cause problems when getting pregnant such as premature birth and need for cesarean section.

Women older than 30 with three normal cytologies can repeat them every 3 years. Those over 65 or with a hysterectomy who have three normal cytologies can stop taking the test completely.


Prostate cancer

At 61, half of men have prostate cancer and if you never measure the prostatic antigen they can live happily, without knowing and dying of another cause many years later. Only a small fraction of these cancers cause symptoms, much less death.

The majority of this type of cancer detected with the prostatic antigen , they are slow growing and few cause damage. The problem is that, even with the help of the biopsy, there is no way to know which are not aggressive and can be left unnoticed for decades.

Although being vigilant is an option for men with this type of cancer, the vast majority prefers aggressive treatment.

Surgery and radiation treatment can cause impotence, incontinence or both. That is why the own discoverer of the prostatic antigen He said it was a disaster to use it for cancer detection. Recently the USPSTF has just updated its recommendations.


Medical recommendations

Although originally used to lose weight and prevent diabetes , several doctors discovered that their patients taking Metformin did not suffer from cancer.

Soon studies were made that proved their effectiveness. Even a small dose (250 mg / day) is useful to prevent cancer; however, it is difficult to accept for doctors and patients that not all cancers need to be detected.

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