Bone cells vs. type 2 diabetes

In order to find better treatments for type 2 diabetes, researchers from the Medical Center of Columbia University discovered that the molecule osteocalcin , produced by bone cells , plays an active role in the regulation of blood sugar levels.

These are two studies published in the journal Cell in which through different tests in mice, could determine that in some patients type 2 diabetes can be caused by changes in the skeleton.

"The discovery that our bones are responsible for the regulation of blood sugar, in ways that were not known before, completely changes our understanding of skeletal function and uncovers a crucial aspect of the energy of metabolism," he explains. the Dr. Gerard Karsent , director of one of the studios.

According to the BBC , the researchers analyzed two varieties of rats with altered activity of osteocalcin , which is produced by osteoblastic cells in the bones .

The increased activity of this molecule stimulates, in turn, pancreatic cells to produce more insulin, which leads fat cells to release a hormone called adiponectin, which improves insulin sensitivity.

It should be noted that the study reveals that this hormone only has this function when the bone It decomposes during the process of natural formation, so in reality, to achieve that leads to the development of drugs against type 2 diabetes, it is necessary to link osteocalcin and insulin.

For this, the next step of the researchers is to explore the functioning of this molecule in the regulation of blood sugar levels in people suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Video Medicine: Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2, Animation. (April 2024).