Stress affects breast cancer aggressiveness

Some health behaviors or lifestyles, such as the tobacco, the alcohol, inadequate eating patterns, the refusal of medical treatments, among others, are for many people a way to get the stress;...

These are changes in the breasts over the years

According to him National Cancer Institute, It is advisable to always monitor the health status of our breasts, because there are normal changes with the passage of time, where you can feel lumps or...

1. Power

The way you're dressed talks about you, you communicate your emotions and what you want the rest of the people to think. Hence the importance of being dressed appropriately according to the...

Proteins that heal your brain?

Not only to lose weight does exercise work, it could also be the key to maintaining the health of your brain, according to a study carried out by experts from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the...

Hyalotherapy tones your skin and shapes your body

People are accustomed to relate the weightloss with activities that generate heat like the practice of exercise, the reductive massages, the application of hot bandages Y saunas, so it seems...

Oral hygiene prevents dental problems

The oral hygiene It is very important for the health of the human being, so it must be done with the necessary tools and in a correct way. One of the benefits of this is to prevent the accumulation...

The sleepless end with your figure ...

Sure you think that if you do not sleep well you can lose weight due to physical exhaustion. Nothing more false than this: do not sleep well, put on weight; this may be the cause of your kilos of...

The best thing is to be friends before boyfriends ... Confirmed!

Have you ever heard the phrase: "Know well the person who is your partner", although in a world where fast is the order of the day in love is important to give us a time, even science says thatmore...

How to stay optimistic?

How should I react to difficult situations?One day may be full of challenges and difficulties or moments happy and nice, the reality is that you decide how you want to take your day and you can...

Age also wreaks havoc

Although it is very common to hear that women they are a danger in front of the wheel, they are not the only ones. The mistakes made by the mens to the drive they also put their lifetime and that of...

10 pros of reductive massage

The reductive massage eliminates the accumulation of grease located and stylizes the outline of the figure, that is, creates a silhouette more aesthetic. This is done with a strong pressure and a...

Diabetes wounds are healed with worms

A group of American researchers developed a particular way of curing wounds rebels in patients with diabetes, which is to let worms applied on injury "Do your job."To allow those wounds heal,...

Why should you prefer cold water? (even in autumn)

Do you want to improve your mood, have a skin free of impurities and stronger hair? So, bathe with cold water!Even if it's autumn and the temperature drops, do not be afraid to bathe like that....

Tips to measure it

When we talk about blood pressure, it is common to compare it with other people's and this is not ideal; These levels vary depending on the age, gender and health of each person. To stop comparing...

To more tattoos, you strengthen your self-esteem

Tätowierungen wurden im Allgemeinen mit Aufsässigkeit, Unhöflichkeit und Verantwortungslosigkeit in Verbindung gebracht.Derzeit jedoch Tätowieren Es ist ein Symbol für Stärke und...

Men or women?

Night comes, and your partner sleeps peacefully, while you spin around in bed "counting sheep" and you do not understand why; well in GetQoralHealth we tell you how science explains this...

aloe vera

Some people are more sensitive than others to Sun burns. The Amps or blisters appear easily when one is exposed to the sun for long hours or daily. exist remedies for sunburn that can alleviate them...

Green Tea

If spending all day sitting has become an "ordeal" because of the tightness of your jeans or the terrible sensation of "botonazo"; Then, avoid it through the regular intake of these hot drinks to...

Drinking water improves brain functioning

When the brain is well hydrated we have better mood, our memory it is sharpened and we have better concentration, which allows us to think and solve better the aspects of each day, so that we have a...

Symptoms of athlete's foot

Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to go to a meeting, and for some strange reason, to have the need to take off your shoes? Sure, there would be no problem, as long as you did not have...