When people start a new health regime , they do it because they want results. Counting calories and exercising can be a greater challenge, especially for those who do not have good physical condition. When our efforts do not work quickly, it is easy to give up.

For those whose motivation is based on tangible results, "Body for life" it could be the answer. The founder of this method, Bill Phillips He says that anyone who follows the program for 12 weeks will have the best body he has ever had. It sounds like something incredible, but many participants have obtained fabulous results.

"Body for life" , originated as a program for a physical health competition in 1996. Participants had 12 weeks to transform their physique using diets, exercise and nutritional supplements. Prizes were offered for the most dramatic transformations. The competition became very popular and Phillips wrote a book detailing his recommended diet and exercise program.


6 meals a day

With a pronounced emphasis on physical exercise, the body program for life insists on eating six small servings of food to improve metabolism and keep energy levels at their peak.

Each meal consists of one serving of protein and one serving of carbohydrates. Those who make the diet can choose from a list of approved foods. Those who follow the diet are also encouraged to eat at least two servings of vegetables a day and drink 10 glasses of water. The total calories should be half proteins and half carbohydrates, with the minimum amount of fat.


Exercise plan

Intense exercises are the center of the plan of the "Body for life" . The exercise plan requires participants to alternate between weightlifting and aerobic exercises. Each type of exercise is done three times a week and the day that is left over is designated as a rest day.

The rest plan is built to minimize the risk of injury. Participants do workouts to strengthen the upper body one day and aerobic exercises the next. After another day of aerobic exercises, the circle is repeated, leaving the rest of the four days for weight training in the same part of the body.

Despite the effectiveness of this method, nutritionists do not recommend it, because many proteins are ingested and there is a risk of damaging the kidneys. Remember that the best option to lose weight is to have a personalized consultation with your nutritionist, who will advise you what kind of food you should perform and what exercise to reduce your size and weight.

Video Medicine: Body for Life: An Animated Book Summary (April 2024).