Bipolar disorder causes premature death?

According to a study of the Stanford University , people suffering from a bipolar disorder have a high risk of dying at a younger age than the rest of the population.

The researchers detail that women who suffer from bipolarity die nine years earlier than the rest of the people, while for men they are eight years old.

In the study published in JAMA Psychiatry It is explained that the risk of dying from any cause was twice as high for women with bipolar disorder.

Among the main causes of death were detected: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, COPD, influenza or pneumonia, unintentional injuries, suicide in people with bipolar disorder and cancer.

However, the researchers say that despite the high rates of suicides, cardiovascular diseases and cancer occupy the first places in the causes, as well as in the general population.

In this way, the researchers recommend that proper medical attention be given to reduce the risk of premature death in people who have a bipolar disorder.

According to figures from the Mexican Association of Bipolar Disorder , in Mexico there are about two million people with this condition, which can be controlled with medications and psychoanalytic therapy.

According to National Institute of Mental Health , bipolar disorder, also referred to as manic-depressive illness, is a condition that develops in the brain.

It is characterized by unusual mood changes, that is, people experience joy, but in minutes they often feel sad and depressed.

Anyone can develop bipolar disorder and can develop in the late stages of adolescence or early adulthood.

Video Medicine: Can Mental Illness Cause Premature Death? (April 2024).