Beyond being an ingredient ...

For several centuries the cinnamon It has been used as a species and as a medicinal plant. It is favorable for the months of cold weather, stimulates circulation and promotes sweating by helping to relieve the symptoms of colds and congestion.


Beyond being an ingredient ...

In addition to the immunomodulatory capacity of cinnamon, thanks to the fact that it favors the production of antibodies; of the delicious and characteristic smell and flavor that it provides to food and drinks , evidence suggests that this spice has several benefits for our health:

1. It is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic. It can help treat gastrointestinal inflammations, prevent infections such as cystitis and tonsillitis and is recommended as an antiseptic bath for wounds and stings.

2. Anticancer. It has been proven that cinnamon contains a natural agent that can help inhibit the formation of cancer cells.

3. Cardioprotective effect . Cinnamon helps to lower triglycerides andl cholesterol LDL, also known as the "bad cholesterol" of the blood; prevents cardiovascular diseases such as Arteriosclerosis

4. Help regulate blood sugar . It has been proven that the consumption of three grams of cinnamon powder per day, favors the decrease of blood glucose levels in people suffering from type 2 diabetes.

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How to consume cinnamon?

1. With fruit, cereal, oats and yogurt

2. To season drinks, such as milk with chocolate, coffees, smoothies and juices

3 . In baking, breads and cookies

4. Stews and sauces

And to you, how do you like to consume cinnamon ? Remember to include this spice in your food. A small amount is enough to start enjoying your benefits. Go to a nutritionist if you have questions about your diet.

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