Beyond an irrepressible desire

How many times a day do you feel that anxiety of eat something sweet or salty ; some snack that satisfies those cravings , maybe this is a sign of what you organism needs, so we describe some Signs that your body needs a dessert .


When the cravings they dominate us, it is usually by some salty food , sweet or fatty , those that are highly caloric " , as he says Cheryl Gilhooly, researcher at Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging .


Beyond an irrepressible desire

Generally, when the body needs a dessert is for make up for something that the organism , so around 90% of the women Y 67% of the mens of 18 years report uncontainable desires of eat something in particular during the day ", it states Marcia Pelchat, sensory psychologist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia .

According to the investigation Brain Serotonin, Carbohydrate-Craving, Obesity and Depression, of Richard J. Wurtman and Judith J. Wurtman , these are signals that your body needs a dessert .

1. Sadness When there is a sudden craving for very sugary such as ice cream, cakes or sweets, could indicate that the levels of serotonin are low and manifests in the mood as the sadness , discouragement or anguish .

The sugar is a carbohydrate gives that temporary feeling of wellness because it favors the production of serotonin , a neurotransmitter Manager control the encouragement and produce emotions positive, it makes us feel happiness .

2. Menstrual cycle. During this period the body suffers cravings by carbohydrates sweets such as chocolates, candies or cakes, as they experience greater sensitivity to insulin , which causes the level of sugar in blood fall . In addition, the changes hormonal affect the production of serotonin .

3. Bad mood. In this state there is a particular craving for desserts of chocolate , since its flavor improves the humor of people. Also, their chemical , among them, opiates generate endorphins which it's they diminish the feeling of pain and therefore, increase positively the cheer up .

4. Stress When the stress it builds up the anxiety for very snacks sugary or rich in fats , like french fries or chocolates. This type of food creates a state of reward at brain , wellness Y satisfaction , according to information from the Medical school of the Harvard University .

5. Dehydration. This can be manifested by the desire to eat something sweet or salty . There are cases where we think we are hungry when we actually have thirst and we need hydrate . In this case it is enough to take a glass with Water , suggests Mónica Dela Paz Múzquiz is a Health Coach certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

These are some of the Signs that your body needs a dessert , even though Judith J. Wurtman warns the need to take care of feeding and avoid sugar consumption because its effect is temporary. It is better to replace them with healthy foods to avoid overweight . What are your main cravings?