Beautiful inside and out

Unlike other celebrities, the beauty of Jennifer Aniston is not based on her physique, or resorting to plastic surgeries or living enslaved to a diet, but to be at peace with herself and lead healthy lifestyle habits.

The actress celebrated in her Twitter account the news of being nominated by an American magazine as the most beautiful woman of 2016, a distinction she also won in 2004.


The secret of being beautiful is in learning to love yourself totally, to have inner confidence, peace, kindness, honesty. That is a life well lived, "says the actress.


Beautiful inside and out

This is the list of beauty secrets of Jennifer Aniston , you will be surprised when you see how simple and effective they are, according to various studies that endorse them.


1. It is accepted as it is

At 47, he feels younger than ever, and more aware of his body and mind.


Accepting age, enjoying it and taking things with the best attitude is your best letter of introduction. "

A study by the University of Pennsylvania reveals that when a person is accepted with faults and virtues, he has greater success on a personal and professional level.


2. It is filled with positive energy

It is essential for her to put aside bad thoughts and toxic people. When you have a bad day, focus your thoughts on breathing exercises and do your yoga exercises.

Video Medicine: Michael Tulimiero - Beautiful Inside and Out (Pega Pega) [Áudio Oficial] (April 2024).