Be more open!

Do you like to live with others or just enjoy your company? For some people it is usually a little complicated to deal with others, so stay out of the tumults; Maybe it's because they're introverts, but what are the characteristics of an introvert?

According to information published in The Huffington Post, Introverts and extroverts have many differences, not only because of people's contact, but also mentally and emotionally. Know them and learn to identify an introvert!

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  1. Your brain processes information in different ways. A study of University of Cornel He says in New York that they are overwhelmed by over stimulation and pay more attention to details, so that their brain capacity increases when processing visual information.
  2. They flee from superficial talks. For introverted people they are usually a source of anxiety or discomfort.
  3. They feel like strangers. When they attend an event or social gathering, they feel alone if they do not find someone they know.
  4. They like to reflect. They have a penchant for philosophical conversations and love to read or watch movies.
  5. They are easily distracted. It is rare that they get bored, because any task can be done entertaining, while in an unstimulating environment, says an investigation of the Clark University.
  6. They are isolated. They need time alone to recharge their energy and feel productive.
  7. They run out on the outside. An introverted person feels very tired when they get home after spending a full day on the street. They even avoid phone calls or any contact with someone.


Be more open!

To enjoy your environment and enjoy life more, you can do some things to be less introverted like: look for something you're passionate about, do an activity that scares you, be more persistent, say hello to a stranger who inspires confidence, speaks in front of you to the public and keep busy.

In this issue there are no advantages and disadvantages, it is only necessary to respect the way of being of each one and learn to live with others; however, it is important to be a little more communicative to highlight your virtues. And you, are you an introvert?