Be careful with the winter depression

If during these holidays you feel tired, discouraged or gain weight, be careful it may be winter depression . This is a condition that affects 6% of the world population known as seasonal affective disorder (TAE) and is characterized by recurrent episodes of depression in certain months (usually during the fall and winter), alternating with periods of normal mood the rest of the year (especially in spring and summer)

The APR is the result of a psycho-physiological alteration , since it involves the organic and psychic part. Some symptom of the ailment are:


  • Lack of cheer up
  • Pain constant head
  • Neglect of personal appearance
  • Anger
  • Dream excessive
  • Cravings of carbohydrates
  • Weight gain
  • Despair
  • Isolation

The doctor Manuel González Oscoy , specialist of the Faculty of Psychology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, asserts that during this Christmas season, suicides and "lows" moods increase up to 40%.

The treatment of seasonal depression can present different approaches ranging from the prescription of antidepressants (with the intention of increasing the level of serotonin), the use of phototherapy , or the use of psychotherapy . Only a specialist can determine the type of treatment appropriate to each patient; If you show any of these symptoms, do not hesitate to see your doctor.

Video Medicine: Winter Blues And Seasonal Affective Disorder (April 2024).