Bacterial vaginosis is the most frequent infection

Nowadays, vaginal infections are one of the main causes of consultation among the female population, because they affect women of any age, regardless of whether they have active sexual life or not. Therefore, it is considered the most common health problem of the female sex.

Regarding the medical Angelica Illescas expert gynecologist , explains that the bacterial vaginosis is the vulvovaginal infection more frequent in the world, among women of reproductive age.

What is it?

In the bacterial flora of the reproductive system live small groups of bacteria that are responsible for maintaining, in appropriate conditions, the vaginal area (an example is the Gardnerella vaginalis), which when grown without control cause a bacterial imbalance that results in a bacterial vaginosis . Obstetrician gynecologist Alejandro Vázquez explains the features:

This imbalance may be due to different factors such as douching, deodorants, sponges and grass to clean the vulvar area, but above all, not having a proper intimate hygiene routine: "When the cleaning of the external genitalia is exaggerated, destroys the protective layer of the vagina (flora) and when hygiene is scarce, causes bacteria to proliferate, "said Illescas.

Know the symptoms

Bacterial vaginosis is a recurrent infection and in most cases can be asymptomatic, however women who suffer from it report the following discomforts:

  1. Abnormal vaginal discharge with unpleasant smell
  2. Strong smell of fish after a sexual relationship
  3. Burning when urinating
  4. Itch on the outside of the vagina

Usually, the bacterial vaginosis it does not generate serious complications. However, certain cases, depending on the type of bacteria, the patient's defenses and the evolution of the condition, can cause pelvic infection inflammatory or difficulty get pregnant .

Also, during the pregnancy It can be the cause of premature births. Therefore, Dr. Illescas explained that periodic gynecological control is very important for the detection and treatment of this disease:

"It is also advisable to avoid douching and scented soaps; use cotton underwear and use a gel such as Uriage GYN-PHY, a product for the intimate care of women that helps preserve the pH and correct small erosions by contact with clothes or sexual relations as it is made from thermal water ".

Video Medicine: Your LADY BITS Wellness Tips! How To Heal Chronic Vaginal Yeast Infections NATURALLY (April 2024).