Bacteria in public transport

There are different types of bacteria in the environment, which have a very important role in our planet; however, the accumulation of these in certain spaces in which we live, can cause infections and some other diseases. The main cause is lack of hygiene .

Most people spend 90% of their time in enclosed spaces, whether houses, Offices , etc ... where they come in contact with several types of bacteria. Added to this are the bacteria that accumulate both from the environment, such as public transport, for example.

Researchers of the San Diego State University and the University of Arizona they estimate that in the air we breathe in a building of Offices there are 10 million bacteria per cubic meter, according to the site

After analyzing 450 samples from 90 Offices In different metropolitan areas (New York, San Francisco and Tucson, all in the United States), they have come to the conclusion that the most contaminated surfaces are the computers' chairs, telephones, keyboard and mouse.

Various DNA analyzes show that some of the types of bacteria present in the offices are the same as those found in the skin, mouth and nasal cavity (Streptococcus, Corynebacterium, Lactobacillus, etc.).

In addition, according to the PLoS One magazine , to this is added that researchers have found that offices occupied mostly by men are dirtier than those used by women.

"The differences between pollution levels in the offices of men and women can be explained by the hygiene ", Conclude the authors, who added that men" wash their hands and teeth less. "


Bacteria in public transport

The inside of our work or room are not the only places where we are exposed to certain types of bacteria. What happens to those who must travel every day on a public transport, such as the subway?

According to British researchers, a seat on a Glasgow subway train can hold 125 times more bacteria than a toilet. As an example, they reveal that they found 1,000 insects per square centimeter in the upholstery of the suburban train, compared to eight insects per square centimeter found in a toilet.

We would have to multiply these figures by the number of Glasgow subway seats, which are used by 13.4 million passengers, to determine the exposure to which a person can submit.

For its part, a group of young researchers from University Center Mexico They carried out a study after taking microbiological samples inside the coaches of the Metro Collective System of Mexico City to determine the types of harmful bacteria that could be found in this transportation system, which they use around 1.5 billion people per year.

As part of their results, they found that staphylococci were found among the strains present in the most abundant bacteria types, with a 100% response; followed by Escherichia Coli with 60%, and then Salmonella and Enterobacteriaceae with 25%, respectively.

According to what the various studies show, we are exposed to many different types of bacteria both inside and outside, of which although not all are harmful or cause disease, if it should stop its spread. And the easiest way to do it is an adequate hygiene .

Video Medicine: Germs In Subways, Taxis And Buses Of Big Cities Get Tested; The Results May Surprise You | TODAY (April 2024).