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Impossible to forget that night. How to get rid of the moments when your body was in your arms? They caressed each other with their eyes, with their lips ... breath with breath ... your hands traveled through their skin to the most intimate spaces. The contact culminated with the sexual pleasure more intense.

You felt wanted, seduced, pleased ... -And did you use protection? - asks your best friend. Your curiosity puts your feet on the ground. That wonderful night the condom was the great absentee.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that today the condom It is the best preventive resource if you have an active sex life. Of course, if you use it properly and in every sexual encounter. Otherwise, you can transmit or contract an infection.

For example, a parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis can reach your genitals , lodge in the cells of the urethra or vagina and cause trichomoniasis , one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in both men and women.

This microorganism generally does not produce discomfort in men, so they rarely know that they are carriers. The serious thing is that they may be infecting their sexual partner without realizing it.


Attack strategies

Without being mortal, the trichomoniasis it can cause serious complications in women, from the sensation of itching in the vagina, smelly discharge and "strawberry cervix" (an inflammation of the cervix accompanied by small red hemorrhagic spots), endometriosis, infertility, premature births and greater susceptibility to contagion of HIV AIDS .

The Dr. Imelda López Villaseñor, researcher at the Institute of Biomedical Research of the UNAM , explains that there are several factors involved in the development of the disease and its consequences in the female population. Among these, he mentions the adhesins, molecules that are found on the surface of the parasite and allow it to adhere to the cells of the vaginal cavity.

"This is interesting because during the menstrual cycle cells and tissue are removed from the vaginal epithelium; we would think then that during the menstruation the parasite it is expelled, but it is not like that. It happens that in the presence of iron (an element abundant in the erythrocytes of the blood), some molecules and proteins of the parasite are more expressed; for example, adhesins. Therefore, as there are more adhesin molecules, the parasite becomes stronger to stick to the cells and the symptoms are exacerbated. "

Nowadays the medical strategy to eradicate trichomoniasis consists of the administration of metronidazole to the woman and her sexual partner. However, there is a risk of re-infection, because the human immune system is unable to create defenses against it. parasite . For this and other reasons Trichomonas vaginalis remains in the sights of scientists.

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Video Medicine: Town Hall 7 ULTIMATE Attack Strategy Guide 2018!! | Best Town Hall 7 (TH7) Attacking Strategy | COC (April 2024).