Asparagus vs hangover

Everyone, at some point in their lives, has been the victim of an excess, either in food or in alcoholic drinks . Both, not only occasionally a terrible remorse, are also cause of physical ills: headaches, stomach and chills; symptoms that are related to the hangover.

However, there is a food that can help counteract the effects of the raw and the damage that the alcoholic drinks cause in the liver: asparagus.

A study conducted by the Jeju National University of Korea and published by the Journal of Food Science , points out that some components, amino acids and minerals, existing in asparagus help to reduce the cellular toxicity of ethanol, contained in the alcoholic drinks and that generates disorders in our body and liver damage.

If you want to know a little more about how to take care of your liver through food, GetQoralHealth and the specialist in liver diseases, Jorge Luis Poo , they tell you how. Check out this video:

Asparagus is rich in vitamin C, an essential antioxidant for health, as it is responsible for eliminating waste or toxins that are accumulating in our body. It is also an excellent diuretic, which allows to detoxify the body more quickly.

They contain few calories, so they are ideal for a balanced diet. They have vitamins and minerals that contribute to the decrease of fatty liver. Integrate this vegetable to your diet and enjoy its benefits.

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