As the mother tongue ...

Specialists ensure that the teaching of the second language must begin at a very early age, so the child internalizes it naturally.

In its first years of life, your child's brain is like a sponge. That's why language experts recommend that children start learning other languages ​​as soon as possible.

Bilingualism not only improves attention, but also serves as mental training and helps to exercise the memory of the little ones.

It is during the first four years of life when more neuronal connections are generated, that is, the brain of the child is formed, perfect period to feed it with information and linguistic stimuli.

When the mother speaks to her son, the brain constructs a specific architecture that adjusts to the sounds of that language. Hence the importance of introducing new languages ​​so soon.

In addition, it has been shown that a child has the same difficulty learning a language than two.

When the child acquires the language, the information he receives is integrated into the same area of ​​the brain, something that does not happen with adults: we need two different neuronal areas to learn a new language.


As the mother tongue ...

The process when starting to master a second language must be the same as that which occurs in the learning of the mother tongue; following four phases:

1. Listen
2. Understand
3. Talk
4. Reading and writing

The format is clear: you have to reproduce the model of the first language, but with another language.

In this sense, all experts agree that teaching only vocabulary is a big mistake. "The child must master the structures of the language. If you learn to say "Can I go?" (Can I go?), With time you can add any place or action to the phrase: to the bathroom, to play, to read, to my bedroom, since these structures are practically unlimited .

Video Medicine: How to Speak French with Camille Rowe (April 2024).