Arthropia affects more women and causes disability

Some musculoskeletal diseases, such as arthropathies, appear to be more prevalent in older adults than in adults in general. Some estimates have shown that the osteoarthritis Symptomatic in knees and hands, is approximately 30% in people over 65 years of age, according to data from the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS).


The study "Prevalence and functional impact of arthropathies in older adults", of the IMSS, indicates that frequently, joint diseases are associated with functional limitations. The study carried out in the state of Yucatan, indicated that the prevalence of atropathy was higher in women than in men.


The same study concluded that 28.5% of all older adults studied in the city of Mérida, were carriers of some type of arthropathy. What indicates high levels of arthropathy and disability Associated in older adults in this entity and could be the beginning of new evaluations at a national level on the subject, for the planning of actions and programs to be followed in terms of prevention.


Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that produces high degrees of disability, which causes in the people who suffer it, consequences in their mood , since in some cases they are abruptly cut off from their working lives at economically active ages, comments the head of the rheumatology department of the Specialties Hospital of the National Medical Center "La Raza, Dr. Miguel Ángel Saavedra.

Video Medicine: Bell's Palsy Eye Patch. PalsyPatch (April 2024).