Are you only worried about your pleasure?

The sexual act is associated with love; However, what happens when it becomes a mechanism of power and seduction?

"It's your fault, you did not make an effort", how many times have you heard this phrase said to your partner? If so, you may find yourself facing a narcissist in intimacy.

These types of people possess an exaggerated sense of self-centeredness and express extreme self-concern. According to the University of Florida, through a study published by the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, the individuals who suffer from it have an obsession with sexual satisfaction, even leading them to voluntarily move away from stable relationships.

Lía Soriano, sexologist and Open Ward therapist, Center for Integral Education for Sexual Health, express that there are some signs that can tell you that you are sharing the sexual act with a narcissist:

1. Deposit sexual responsibility in the other.

2. They demand their satisfaction, regardless of how emotionally they hurt the other.

3. They put as a pretext that the couple does not excite him, that he does not offer anything.

4. Possesses physical attractiveness or personality.

5. In their caresses print promises, which only tempt the other to continue the relationship.

6. They are seducers.

Beyond cruel or perverse behavior, narcissistic people need attention, caresses and affection to focus directly on them. However, according to the specialist, the couple has the ability to control and guide this way of acting in favor of the relationship.

The narcissist only offers what is necessary to seduce and captivate, and this way of proceeding can damage the self-esteem of the other. Therefore it is important to analyze if you are satisfied in the relationship and what are the negative points in it.

Remember, everything in the sexual act is allowed, but there must always be respect and trust. Beware!