Anthropometry and body constitution

The anthropometry is the science that allows to size lengths, widths, thicknesses, circumferences, volumes, centers of gravity and masses of various parts of the body , in order to use this information in various Applications .

The World Labor Organization recognizes that in the field of Health Y safety at work , as well as the ergonomics , the anthropometric systems are mainly related to structure, composition and body constitution , and with dimensions of the human body in relation to those of the place of work, machines, industrial environment and clothing .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the manager of Sport City Rubén Lepe , explains what are the characteristics of anthropometry:


All peoples vary in their dimensions

In the terms of the anthropometry , the population It is divided into 100 categories: from the smallest (in dimension), to the largest, with respect to a type of measure (height, weight, arm length, etc.).

This is so because there is variability between body dimensions of people, due to factors such as age , gender Y ethnic group , hence the importance of "to size " to population to determine the design of different elements.

These measurements indicate the percentage of people between population determined that they have a body dimension of a certain size. Countries such as the United States, Canada, Japan, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, or those that make up the European Union, have anthropometric tables representative of its population.

In Mexico, there are some reference tables, although those that had been determined for the Latin American population have traditionally been used.


An example: utility of anthropometry in architecture

The anthropometry is a fundamental branch of the physical anthropology and of our daily life. Is science is very important in the contemporary architecture ; man lives relating his figure with the environment that surrounds him and seeks to be in the spaces make him feel comfortable .

Another important point is that the architecture look for the space functionality and give answers to design needs of the human being .

Video Medicine: Mod-03 Lec-09 Anthropometry: body growth and somatotypes (April 2024).