Anorexia nervosa and depression

The depression is the main scenario in which the full results of the anorexy . In this psychological stage, the will and emotional stability is distorted and transformed into an alternative reality to justify the practices related to the anorexy .

This may include a form of increased hypochondria. Only through acceptance and confrontation, a person has the opportunity to fight against anorexy .


Physiological progression

The physical appearance of a person suffering from anorexia nervosa can be predictable, since it is a set of progressive manifestations that occur throughout the disease.

The usual order of physical degradation of people anorexic It starts from an imbalance of hormones to support the appropriate mechanisms of feedback, in which some processes such as menstruation can be altered or stopped.


Profile of anorexia

Then you can follow the weakness and lethargy, along with an intolerance to the cold. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance occur soon, followed by organ malfunction. Finally, the patient dies as a result of starvation.

The anorexy it can very well be defined as a relatively long and uncomfortable disease, which advances from the psychological fixation and a survival mechanism to try to divert its psychological effects.

Video Medicine: Anorexia Nervosa (April 2024).