Scope of alternative therapy

The alternative medicine it is a different practice from the conventional one, which has science as a tool for study and research in the face of different pathologies.It is defined as a set of health...

Some benefits of hydrotherapy

The benefits are a product of the sensation of pleasure produced by water, due to its main characteristic of being a medium in which gravity is lower. That is what is called -flotation-. Thus, people...

Relieves hepatitis metaphysically

The hepatitis it is an inflammation of liver caused by the virus of the hepatitis C. This disease is highly contagious and often does not present symptoms in the early stages. According to data from...

Apitherapy, the healing power of bees

In the search to find the cure of certain diseases, there is a marked tendency to return to natural therapies and alternative medicine.This is happening with the apitherapy, an effective therapeutic...

Anxiety decreases with laughter therapy

The laughter is a liberator of anxiety that decreases the blood pressure, invigorates the heart and releases endorphins that generate a sense of fullness and peace. At Mexican Social Security...

Learn to create your aromatherapy kit

The aromatherapy It provides many therapeutic benefits to the human being, on a physical, mental, emotional and hormonal level. So the essences help to balance the emotions and some diseases. That's...

Aromatherapy vs respiratory diseases

The aromatherapy has been part of the life of human beings since ancient times, with the aim of recovering or maintaining their Health Y wellness, in accordance with Liviere Martín del Campo,...

How is acupuncture used to lose weight?

If you want to reduce measures and maintain a healthy weight in a natural way, maybe you should try acupuncture, a therapeutic system of traditional Chinese medicine that has been practiced for more...

Basalt and marble, ideal for a good massage

The geothermal massage it's a kind of alternative therapy It is a combination of hot basaltic lava stones and cold marble stones, which are applied on certain points of the body and are used to...

Benefits homeopathy to health

When our health is fragile, many fears arise. Especially when having to undergo some treatment, which often turn out to be worse than the disease. Alternative medicine gathers the wisdom of Mother...

Benefits of biometrics

You've probably heard about the method of biometrics for lose weight. This usually starts with a structured program from the first consultation. In it the clients are assisted by a personal trainer...

Benefits of equine therapy for health

Equine therapy is understood as a complementary and / or alternative therapy, fulfilling the role of psychotherapy or physiotherapy as required.The horse is an inexhaustible source of stimuli, which...

Benefits of hyperbaric oxygenation

The hyperbaric oxygenation (OHB) is a medical treatment that uses cutting-edge technology. The idea is to "fill" the body with 100% pure oxygen, through high atmospheric pressures in order to treat...

Cancer could be fought with viruses

The Cancer It is the first cause of mortality in the world, so a treatment is urgently needed to eradicate it at the root and avoid around 7.6 million deaths annually. Among the medical advances is...

Laughter is the best natural analgesic

With a smile is not enough, it takes a laugh to release endorphins, which are chemical substances that act as analgesic natural, being this one of the most effective.Researchers of the Oxford...

Colors that heal

A color can radically change your mood and influence how your day will be. The chromotherapy is the science that studies therapeutic effects of color frequencies. The proper use of color can have...

They create tattoos to measure glucose level

With the purpose of creating a culture of prevention in the diabetes, Michael Strano, professor of Chemical Engineering at the Institute of Massachusetts Technology (MIT, for its acronym in English)...

Horehound tea

The Mexican diet is characterized by a high content of carbohydrates, spices and irritating ingredients, which in the long or short term can causeStomach problems as is gastritis and, in some cases,...

Wake up with the caffeine inhaler

The coffee It is one of the most consumed beverages in the world, thanks to its flavor and its characteristic aroma. This grain brings many benefits to the human body, such as the prevention of...

Make a commitment with your pet!

Canine therapy? They say that no animal comes to your life by chance, they also have a mission to fulfill and when they appear it is because some learning will bring you. Even, they are excellent...