Afraid of injections?

The fear or fear to the injections has a name: Trypanophobia . It is one of the most common phobias and it is estimated that about 10% of the population suffers from it to some degree. Its first symptoms appear at 5 years of age.

In many occasions, this problem is due to bad experiences lived in childhood, which incubate an unconscious terror when we are adults.

In accordance with Alejandra Cuevas, licensed in Nutrition and Educator in Diabetes , "The fear to inject arises from small, when some moms or grandmothers inculcate the erroneous idea that an injection is painful. In addition, it is also customary to threaten injections as a punishment measure ".

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we give you some tips to overcome this fear of injections or vaccines in adulthood, according to specialists such as Alejandra Cuevas or Daniel Stecher, president of the Vaccination Committee of the Argentine Society of Infectious Diseases :

1. Inquire in your mind to find the source of your fear. Was it due to a bad experience during childhood? It is recommended to express these feelings, either by writing or commenting with a person of trust.

2. Rationalize the benefits of the injection. If you are aware of how necessary it is for your organism or your family, you will have a more positive predisposition toward it.

3. If you feel that anxiety overwhelms you, it is best to use breathing techniques to cancel it. A recommended method is to breathe slowly, hold the air for 3 seconds and then let it escape.

4. Another technique that serves some people is to remember some traumatic or difficult experiences that you have lived through. You will stop paying attention to the injection and it will seem like a small matter, in contrast.

5. Remember that your body is totally relaxed at the time of the puncture. If you tense the muscles, it will cost more than between the needle.

6. Needles should never be reused. When they are sealed from the factory, these include a special cutting edge and lubrication that is lost after the first use. Even if they are cleaned with alcohol or sterilized, friction with the skin will increase with repeated use and will cause pain.

Is it not so difficult to accept the advantages of a vaccine or injection? Courage, it's for your good!

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