Addict to purchases ?, It's not your fault

Surely you will meet someone that every time you see, you are premiering something new, you could be addicted to shopping but, did you know that this is unconscious ?

According to research conducted by Prof. S. Ramesh Kumar, a professor of Indian Institute of Management , people become addicted to shopping because it somehow fills emotional gaps with that.

What does this mean? Simple, that tu subconscious is so present that it is who dominates your decisions : that is why, if you are thinking all the time that you do not have money or worry about it, these thoughts will dominate you and make you believe that you do not have money.

It is in this way that cEvery time you feel sad angry, your need to fill that emotion makes you make useless purchases or consumption of coffees, cakes and other foods that make you feel good. Now that, if you are happy, you will want to waste money buying clothes, inviting meals, etc.

That's why it's important that you have control of your thoughts and emotions because these are the ones that end up impacting your money!

If after this, your idea is to change and program your mind to think that you have money, it is important that you "feed" your mind in an appropriate way with these tips:

1. Take care of what you see: avoid any type of program of content amarillista, or its main characters are great victims, have a pessimistic attitude, etc.

2.Listen to music to help you maintain a high energy level and make you feel good.

3.Take care of your energy by doing activities as meditation, making love or mantras that keep you with a positive attitude.

4. Read at least one book per month , that feed your mind with a thought of wealth and financial education such as:

· Take care of your vital energy with meditation, exercise, making love, with mantras.

· Read 1 book a month, that feed your mind in terms of wealth, I share some titles.


  • Rich Father Poor Father / Robert Kiyosaki.
  • The secrets of the millionaire mind / T Harv Eker.
  • Money / TonyRobbins.
  • The bag or life / Joe Dominguez.
  • Manage your money for dummies / Roberto Moran.
  • The total transformation of your money / Dave Ramsey.
  • Think and become rich / Napoleon Hill.
  • Woman & Money / Suze Orman.
  • Sell ​​to the mind not the people / Jürgen Clarik.
  • True Prosperity / Yehuda Berg
  • God wants you to be rich / Paul Zane Pilser.

Video Medicine: How to Break an Addiction to Carbs (April 2024).