Achieves an exciting experience

Information from the University of Indiana explains that female sexual stimulation is common, healthy and pleasurable. Women from 30 to 39 years old usually do it two or three times a week. We present some keys so that this vaginal examination be exciting .

Janet Noseda, magister in clinical psychology from the University of Santiago de Chile , considers that although women do not "need" tips to masturbate , since each body is unique, it is demonstrated that they still do not know how self-scan to get the maximum pleasure .


Achieves an exciting experience

If you have concerns about starting this practice or do not know how to get vaginal examination be exciting , Noseda Advise to follow this guide.

1. Use a mirror. Place it between your legs to observe your vagina . Think that it is unique.

2. Recognize and accept it. See what color and look at the folds. Check the size of the clitoris , as well as the labia minora and major. Accept it with love.

3. Begin to touch you. While you hold the mirror with one hand, with the other it begins to touch you. Feel and discover every part of your vagina , making it yours.

4. Recognize the sensations. When you begin to have pleasant sensations, try to look at or identify in which areas thepleasure .

5. Separate the labia majora. Do it with the help of your fingers until the clitoris jump at the sight. To make it easier, do it sitting and, with your legs flexed. Leave the mirror and with that free hand begin to touch this part gently making circles. Be loving and subtle because there are millions of nerve endings there.

6. Enter your fingers. With care not to hurt yourself, first introduce a finger and touch the vaginal walls. Press back and forth to recognize where your center is pleasure .

7. Stimulate yourself with your imagination. To increase the ecstasy use your imagination or a sexual fantasy that you want to fulfill There are no limits here

To increase the ecstasy , Janet Noseda advise bend to look at your vagina and marvel at it. If you want, use a dildo so that you experience more sensations of pleasure .

Remember that to achieve a Exciting vaginal examination you only need a mirror, your hands and a lot imagination . Enjoy your sexuality free of prejudices !

Video Medicine: Sophia The Robot Experiences Abu Dhabi | Etihad Airways (April 2024).