9 tips to feel beautiful in pregnancy

Let's see what are the aesthetic problems (and others that are not) that arise during the months of pregnancy, and what we can do to solve them.

Feeling comfortable with our own body and taking care of our skin also means living with serenity and joy pregnancy. In this article we list the most frequent aesthetic problems and the most effective care that we must carry out during the waiting months.

1. Prevents cellulite. You must leave laziness aside from the first month of pregnancy. Even if you are a normally sedentary woman, this is the most appropriate time to go on a bicycle or on foot. Now it is more important than ever to move and exercise to prevent the formation of cellulite, ensure good oxygenation of the blood and properly prepare the muscles for the effort you must make during delivery.

2. Attack stretch marks. The only effective way you have to avoid stretch marks is to do everything possible to prevent them. And it is that you must bear in mind that, once the stria is already formed, it is very difficult to make it disappear. Apply special creams with a massage both in the morning and at night. This will result in an elastic and soft skin throughout the body, especially in the "higher risk" areas, such as the thighs, hips, abdomen and breasts.

3. Tones the chest. All pregnant women should wear a bra that is appropriate for the occasion. A suitable bra should be made 100% cotton, since synthetic fibers can irritate the skin and do not allow a good and healthy perspiration. This is even more important when the breast increases in size, since folds form in the bottom of which the sweat concentrates, giving rise to a maceration.

You must ensure that the bra we choose is appropriate to the size of our chest, neither too small and too tight nor too wide and soft, so it should be changed every month. The bra must contain and hold correctly the entire structure of the chest, to prevent it from being subjected to excessive stress because of the weight it must hold.

4. Watch out for the veins . As the pregnancy progresses, stagnation in the veins also increases, as the abdomen grows and "compresses" the groin, preventing the blood from circulating rapidly. This results in a phenomenon of water retention and heaviness in the legs, which become inflamed and painful. In addition, blood can no longer perform the important function of expelling waste substances in a correct manner.

5. Avoid swollen feet. Especially after the second half of pregnancy, the feet swell easily, especially as the night approaches. We must resort to the use of soft and comfortable shoes, made of natural leather that allow a good perspiration. It is best not to use shoes made with synthetic materials, which can lead to excessive perspiration.

6. End the spots. A typical problem of pregnancy, which especially affects the brightest skin, is gravidarum chloasma, a series of dark spots that appear on the face. These spots are caused by sex hormones and are almost always concentrated around the eyes and in the nose. It is a photosensitization of the skin, which means that they develop due to the effects of the sun's rays, including those of the winter sun.

To prevent blemishes, a day cream with sunscreen should be used. But if they have already appeared, you can resort to the night use of soft creams based polyalphahydroxy acids, which thin the skin and stimulate cell turnover.

7. Go to aesthetics. The aesthetic treatments are also of great help for the health and beauty of pregnant women. They are very important care dedicated to the chest, based on massages, which serve to keep it strong and strong, so you can avoid problems with breastfeeding and then return to their natural state.

8. Take care of the irritation. During this month, the skin of some areas has reached almost its maximum tension, so it is normal that chafing occurs, especially in the folds located under the breasts and in the groin. A good wash, a drying done with a soft towel of cotton or thread, and a moisturizing product can be a good help.

9. Healthy hair. Due to the hormones of pregnancy the hair is beautiful and bright. However, during lactation, it has an opaque and very rough appearance. You can also lose strength, and even split and fall. The most appropriate time to intervene is during the last months of pregnancy.

It is advisable to avoid permanents, lights, dyes and treatments very often. Iron and folic acid, prescribed by the gynecologist, are optimal restorative for hair.

Video Medicine: Pregnancy Tips : How to Identify a Boy or a Girl in Pregnancy (April 2024).