9 tips to be a good father

Be father or mother is not an easy task. Although much can give you advice, there is no manual to be a good father . We are not exempt from mistakes; However, common sense, and even instinct, can be the best guide to act as well as possible.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we give you some tips to try to be better parents , according to kidshealth.com:

1. Show them your love. Every day I gave your children: "I love you, you are special to me". Give them lots of hugs and kisses.

2. Listen to them. Pay attention to them while they talk, you make them feel important and that you are interested in them, that you consider them.

3. Make them feel safe. You should comfort them when they are scared to show them that you are doing something to protect them and that they can trust you.

4. Maintain discipline . Exercise discipline by example, in this way you give order to their lives. Keep a regular schedule for meals, naps and for playtime.

5. Praise them . When they learn something new or behave well, let them know that you are proud from them.

6. Criticize their behavior, not them. When children make a mistake, do not tell them "you were bad". Instead, explain what they did wrong.

7. Be consistent . Your rules do not have to be the same as those of other parents, but they have to be clear. For no reason do you compare them with other children or put them in evidence in case they break any of them.

8. Spend with them as long as possible. Do things together, such as reading, walking, playing and cleaning the house. What children most want is your attention. The misbehavior It is usually an attempt to get your attention. Remember to provide quality time.

9. Take a break. Everyone needs to rest from being a father from time to time. Agree with your partner or another adult of the family , take turns to be able to get away for a while and get energy and patience.

Children require a lot of time and energy. And being a father is more difficult if you have other problems in your own life, whether personal, professional or financial. Do not hesitate to ask for help if you feel you can not with some aspect. Remember that to be a good father you must also take care of yourself.

Video Medicine: 8 Things Every Dad Should Teach His Son (April 2024).