9 nutritional tips vs fat

Because more and more people suffer from obesity in the world, the Texas Heart Insitute at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital published on its website some simple recommendations, which allow modifying some consumption habits and food preparation in a healthier way.

One of the factors that cause obesity is the high consumption of saturated fats, which raise the level of cholesterol LDL ("bad"), which increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and other health problems.

Among the foods with a lot of saturated fats are those derived from animals such as butter, cheese, whole milk, ice cream, cream and processed red meats, etc.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth We inform you about some tips to reduce your consumption of these fats according to information published by the Institute:

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. At least five servings every day.2. Eat more fish and chicken. Use turkey or chopped chicken instead of minced red meat. Remove chicken skin before cooking.3. Choose leaner cuts of red meat and pork, and remove as much visible fat as possible before cooking them.4. Cook food in the oven or on the grill instead of frying it. Do not brown meats and vegetables.5. Prefers skim or partially skim milk instead of whole milk. Similarly, use nonfat natural yogurt or a mixture of yogurt and cottage cheese (cottage cheese) partially skimmed. Opt for low-fat cheeses and not for cream and cheese-based sauces.6. In your recipes, replace each whole egg with two egg whites.7. Whenever possible, try to limit your consumption of hydrogenated fats such as vegetable fat and lard.8. Read the nutritional information of all the products. Many of the non-fat foods are very high in carbohydrates, which can raise triglyceride levels.9. Finally, compare the fat content of similar products and try to cook with herbs, spices, lemon juice, etc., instead of artificial seasonings.

If you follow these simple recommendations, a change in your lifestyle will be strengthened, which is essential to avoid raising your levels of cholesterol bad. However, the proper orientation of the specialists will always be necessary. And you, Have you already adopted any of these habits in your diet?  

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Video Medicine: Tim Tebow Explains How The Keto Diet Breaks Down Fat (April 2024).