8 things you should know about testicular cancer

Early detection of Testicular cancer has allowed this neoplasia to be curable by 95%. According to figures from the Rebecca de Alba Foundation , the disease it has a higher incidence among males of 20 and 39 years; however, it can occur from 15 years of age.

Do you want to know more information about Testicular cancer ? Below we give you some information that will help you to change your health habits and reduce the risk of suffering from it:

1.- The probability that a man will suffer Testicular cancer in your life is about one in 300

2.- 1,500 new cases are presented annually in Mexico

3.- Methods of detention and diagnosis include tests of blood , ultrasounds, biopsies and a self-examination scan. This is important to perform after a bath with hot water, since the testicles are relaxed; It is not difficult to do it and it will help you to take care of your health. Learn to do it in the following video:

4.- The treatment to cure the Testicular cancer includes surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy

5.- To reduce the risk of suffering neoplasia, you should practice exercise regularly, as well as reduce the consumption of alcohol and tobacco

6.- The treatment of Testicular cancer it is long and expensive; It is also a condition that affects the patient and all members of a family.

7.- Some studies have shown that a person's diet influences the development of the Testicular cancer or of prostate. The doctor Carlos Pacheco it explains it to you next:

8.- There are associations and foundations like Rebecca de Alba that support patients with Testicular cancer that they do not have any type of social security, either with medical materials such as internal catheter, testicular prosthesis, additional medicines at low cost, transport or pantries.

Some of the symptoms of testicular cancer are lumps, inflammation, abnormal growth or pain in any of the testicles or scrotum, heaviness in the scrotum, pain in the lower abdomen, back or groin, fluid accumulation and discomfort in the nipples or chest.

Overcome the embarrassment and go with your doctor in the presence of any of the symptoms, remember that a timely detection can cure testicular cancer and improve your quality of life. Know more risks of testicular cancer.

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