8 reasons to exercise the mind

In a study of August 4, 2009 published by Neurology, it was reported that people engaged in exercises of brain training , such as read , to write Y card games may, delay the appearance of a rapid decline in memory that if it occurs, they later develop dementia .

To be effective, according to the study, "brain training must start at 60 or 70 years. These people need an education for early life and participation in leisure activities that stimulate them cognitively. These are the two factors that may have delayed the onset of memory decline in the preclinical phases of dementia. "


However, the results of the study point to the old phrase (directed at first to the benefits of physical exercise) "use it or leave it ", Equally valid for mental fitness. Previous studies have also shown that regular brain training sessions can help prevent dementia and symptoms of the disease. Alzheimer's .

The following list gives us reasons why mental exercises can strengthen the brain. It also reiterates what the studies say about the use of cerebral calisthenics to defend against the loss of the memory .


Reasons for mental exercise


  1. The decrease in mental function is not inevitable. Adults can really create new neurons. This reverses the long-held belief that the loss of mental capacity is triggered by aging and can never be regained.
  2. You can build a set of additional neurons (cognitive reserve) in your brain to help compensate for those you had lost bit by bit as your age progressed.
  3. An analysis of the data published in a journal says that an increase of only 5% in the cognitive reserve can prevent a third of Alzheimer's cases.
  4. Frequent cognitive activities can reduce the risk of dementia by up to 63%.
  5. Brain training can decrease the effects of Alzheimer's disease. At the death of a patient (not from Alzheimer's disease), his autopsy revealed advanced Alzheimer's. The doctors concluded that chess may have helped keep the disease under control.
  6. Do a cross training. Focusing only on one mental activity will not exercise all the cognitive domains necessary to keep your brain agile. On the other hand, coherent and long-term mental stimulation seems to be the key to reducing the risk of dementia and memory loss. If possible, also carry out activities in the areas of short and long-term memory, critical thinking, visual and spatial orientation, calculation and language.
  7. Teaching new tricks to the brain can also help. Learning a new language, music lessons, or learning how to use the device like the iPod can contribute to the creation of new brain circuits.
  8. Never neglect your physical exercises. Increased blood flow to the brain supplies oxygen and nutrients, encouraging the growth of new brain cells.

Video Medicine: 10 Benefits Of Exercise On The Brain And Body - Why You Need Exercise (April 2024).