8 causes of depression

There are many reasons to get depressed. Ruptures of couple, economic problems, loss of a loved one, etc. However, according to the portal vidaysalud.com , there are factors that are unknown that directly affect the depression , as for example the weather. GetQoralHealth tells you next what are the causes of depression scientifically proven.

1. Weather: The state of time is related in the way you feel. It is called Seasonal Affective Disorder . Most people get depressed in winter, although it also happens in summer, this is due to a mismatch in the chemistry of the brain and the production of melatonin , which can trigger a depressive feeling.

2. Smoking: It is a habit related to depression and it is known that nicotine among its negative effects, affects the production of dopamine Y serotonin , hormones that produce a state of well-being to the organism.

3. Thyroid: When it does not work well it can cause sadness. The hormones thyroid function as neurotransmitters that regulate the levels of serotonin .

4. Movies: There are people who get too involved in the fictions of television series and movies, when they end up feeling depressed. In the world, this type of situation has been recorded and even some people have even committed suicide. The most famous case was when the saga of Harry Potter .

5. Social networks: Navigate a lot of time in Internet provoke depression . Recent investigations of the University of Trial , suggests that artificial communication through the network, produces feelings of loneliness and interaction with society in real life.

6. Insomnia: The lack of dream provoke fatigue , irritability and depression . Sleeping little is a factor that makes you more sensitive and also affects decisions.

7. Residence: People who live in the city are more prone to depression due to the accelerated pace of life and the high level of stress who drive. The lack of contact with nature is also another factor to get depressed.

8. Little fish consumption: World studies have pointed out that Asian countries have a lower rate of suicide , this is because your diet It is based on the high consumption of fish. The Omega 3 of fish, is a natural element that helps regulate the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and avoid depression .

The causes of depression They are very diverse, but many of them are variables that you can control. With small changes in your daily habits you can keep this condition at bay  and have a better quality of life. Good luck!

Video Medicine: Depression Symptoms & Help : Does Depression Cause Hair Loss? (April 2024).