7 tips to feel better with ayurveda

In recent years, alternative medicine, such as ayurveda, has become more relevant in the treatment and prevention of conditions such as stress, obesity and anxiety.

Created five thousand years ago in India, ayurveda seeks to incorporate the mind, body and emotions of the individual in order to find a balance between the three and thus achieve health.

However, this alternative medicine is only for those people who want to take responsibility for their lives; since part of a self-knowledge and the decision to take actions to prevent diseases.

Therefore, with information from the Certified Ayurvedic Medicine Consultant, Barbara Flores , we present you 7 tips that will help you feel better.

1. Do not deprive yourself of eating . In Ayurveda you should eat while there is sunlight. The most important meal in this science is lunch (from 10 am to 2 pm). As the sun is at its maximum splendor your internal fire is at its highest point and digestion is optimal.

On the other hand, dinner must be before the sun goes down. This food is preferable to be light and with more vegetables and cooked cereals easy to digest. Listen to your body and most importantly, take the time to sit down to eat, even if it's only 20 minutes.

2. Rest. Regardless of your nature, in Ayurveda it is recommended to start retiring to bed before 10 o'clock at night if you want to have a better quality of sleep. Remember, sleeping after meals makes the digestion slow and heavy because it increases Kapha and this ends with the fire of our digestion.

3. Go to the bathroom . Repressing these natural urgencies is the beginning of many diseases. The body is trying to eliminate substances that it does not need through this action. In ayurveda all people have to go to the bathroom every day, the difference is that it goes at different times depending on its nature.

4. Healthy sexual life . It is very important to keep the tissues of the reproductive system healthy. Not necessarily so that you have a more active sexual life, but because your vitality is intimately linked to the sexual energy.

5. Meditation and exercise . Health is the balance of mind, body and consciousness. Include in your daily life a routine to calm your mind through meditation, exercise and conscious breathing.

6. Say no to cold drinks . Do not drink cold drinks or ice, especially before, during and after meals, as this ends with digestion.

In Ayurveda the digestive process is governed by the fire element; therefore the digestive process becomes slower and requires more energy to process what you eat.

7. Avoid nighttime baths . In this alternative medicine it is not recommended to take a bath before going to bed since it generates phlegm accumulation and congestion during the night. The time to shower is in the morning or during the day when the sun is still present.

The decision is in your hands. So, what are you waiting for?