7 signs that you're dating the right person

There is a belief that opposite poles attract each other; however, a study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences points out that similarities in personality can help predict longevity in a relationship, so how do you know if you're dating the right person?

According to information published in The Huffington Post , differences in the qualities of one person and another can add balance and emotion in a relationship, but when they are totally different they only create problems.

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7 signs that you're dating the right person

To find out if you are 100% compatible with your partner or if you are looking for a stable relationship, these signals can be of great help to you. Know them!


  1. Sexual compatibility Romance, public display of affects and sexual interests in the bedroom govern the duration of the relationship. Some couples have different sexual needs (frequency and style), which cause anger and resentment. If this is your case, talk to your partner to find a solution.
  2. Temperament. Many people are bothered by their partner's way of being or focus on their defects, either socially or sexually, if that is the case, it is best not to try to change it and analyze if you really want to be by their side.
  3. Communication. This element is basic in couple relationships. If you do not have the confidence to express your ideas or needs, and let them decide for you, it is best to analyze the reasons to stay by their side. On the contrary, if you can talk about any subject, without limits, it is your correct partner.
  4. Friends and family. If you get along well with your friends and family, and you agree with the time of cohabitation with them, then you are dating the right person.
  5. Healthy habits. A good sign that they are the right couple is that they share their taste for a type of food and physical activity. It would be a problem if they had completely different tastes.
  6. Economy. Are you and your partner responsible for your personal finances? Are they generous? Money can be a trigger for problems in the relationship, but if they share economic goals and habits, they can minimize them to the maximum.
  7. Education. Couples who share a similar education, lifestyles and professional experience are more compatible. They have more in common and relate to each other in a deeper way.

If you consider that you are very different from your partner, the best thing you can do is accept things as they are, work on yourself, analyze the pros and cons of the relationship and make a final decision, either finish or continue with the person It is by your side. And you, do you date the right person?

Video Medicine: 7 Signs You're Dating A Crazy Person (April 2024).