7 signs of bone cancer

Specialists of National Institute of Rehabilitation (INR) of Mexico have developed a technique to eradicate bone cancer called Controlled Hyperthermia (HHC), which has been tested in more than 200 patients. But what are the symptoms of bone cancer? How can it be identified?

According to National Cancer Institute , bone cancer is formed in the cells of the marrow, destroys the normal tissue of the bone. It can even spread from other parts of the body such as the breasts, lungs and prostate to the bones.


Identify it!

For its part, the American Cancer Society highlights that bone cancer can be identified through the symptoms or signs that the patient presents as the following:


  1. Persistent and unusual bone pain
  2. Inflammation near the bone
  3. Lameness in the affected leg
  4. Fractures
  5. Weightloss
  6. Exhaustion
  7. Trouble breathing

Among the main risk factors for bone cancer are genetics, exposure to radiation treatments, exposure to radioactive substances.

It is very important to detect it in time, because with modern surgery techniques or INR therapy, bone cancer can be cured. In addition, people who have had it should visit their doctor regularly because the neoplasm may reappear after treatment. And you, consult your doctor when you feel any discomfort?

Video Medicine: Adam Frederick | Bone Cancer | UPMC Stories (April 2024).