7 reasons to laugh out loud

Its origin can be diverse, either by nerves, stress, fun or joy, but its presence in our daily life is essential. Laughter, and especially if it is out loud, not only generates sympathy and love, it can also offer health benefits.

This action is innate in the human being, it is not learned and it is done spontaneously; however, its effects on health can be obtained consciously. Thus, GetQoralHealth gives you 7 reasons to laugh more during the day.

1. Exercise According to an investigation conducted by the Indiana University School of Medicine and the University of Maryland School of Medicine , laughing 100 times is equivalent to doing an aerobic exercise of 10 to 15 minutes of cycling.

2. Oxygenation. Double the air enters the lungs, allowing the skin to oxygenate more. The lungs move twelve liters of air instead of the usual six, which improves breathing and increases oxygenation.

3. Heart Laughing constantly causes your blood vessels to dilate 22%, as indicated by a study of the University of Maryland in the United States.

The simple act of loud laughter causes the tissue of the inner walls of your blood vessels to expand and increase blood flow, reducing blood pressure and the risk of suffering from heart disease.

4. Eliminate stress. When you laugh, your levels of cortisol decrease, which is a hormone known as the stress hormone.

5. It improves the immune system. Guillermo Ormeño , specialist of the University of Chile, indicates that this action allows an increase in the levels of T cells, responsible for defending the organism from different viruses and bacteria.

6. Analgesic The laughter out loud releases a chemical called endorphin that in addition to generating a mild euphoria, also calm the pain, as indicated by a study by the specialist Robin Dunbar of the University of Oxford.

7. Reduce toxins from the body. The liver, spleen and pancreas are stimulated. Laughter also favors digestion, since by increasing the number of contractions of the diaphragm an internal massage is produced that improves the digestive processes, stimulating the secretion of gastric juices. Thus, laughter helps reduce fatty acids and toxic substances in the body.

Its benefits range from the physical to the emotional, so, what do you expect to enjoy a good session of laughing out loud? Try it!

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