7 keys to identify an infidelity by Internet

A study of School of Psychology and the Social Research Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM ) suggests that 35% of women and 45% of men have been unfaithful, but what about internet infidelity?

Nowadays, digital media play a main role in relationships, as they can bring people closer or further away, that is, it is easier to fall into the temptation of infidelity, and in the same way a person can be given betrayal account.

7 keys to identify an infidelity by Internet

Therefore, if you feel that your partner is not 100% honest with you or is interested in someone else, you just have to pay attention to the virtual signals, such as those explained below in the video of Bits in Image:

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In information published by The Huffington Post It is explained that other warning signs that your partner is unfaithful are: avoid social and family events, spend too much time with another person, different scents and changes in behavior.

According to the UNAM research, the reasons for a woman is unfaithful are the lack of communication with the couple, lack of love, physical appearance, money or revenge.

Meanwhile, men often betray their partner by physical attraction, poor communication, lack of love, poor hygiene on the part of their partner, financial problems and revenge. And you, why would you be unfaithful? Would you dare to practice infidelity online?

Video Medicine: Rethinking infidelity ... a talk for anyone who has ever loved | Esther Perel (April 2024).