7 foods that you think are healthy but are not

There are foods that may seem healthy but they are not, according to information from the portal MassiveHealth's.com , are generally those manufactured by the big brands that exalt false virtues, which on the contrary do not benefit the Health since they lack nutritional value. GetQoralHealth tells you what the food is not healthy .

1. Juice: The juices labeled "100% fruit" are fructose, this sweetener causes obesity Y cholesterol .

2. Cash cereal: Although they are labeled as healthy and nutritious, they have high content of sugar and salt; In addition, its vitamin content is synthetic.

3. Yogurt: If it contains fruit it has a lot of sugar, corn syrup and artificial sweeteners.

4. Light refreshments: They have a high content of dyes and artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, a substance that can cause Cancer .

5. Low-fat granola: This version only has 10% less calories . It contains a lot of sugar and even if it is low in fat, you get to eat excessively.

6. Multigrans: Most of these foods are made with refined grains such as white flour. Due to this process the fiber and its nutrients.

7. Caesar salad: Not all salads are healthy, especially this is between 300 or 400 calories and 30 grams of fat due to the dressings.

You got surprised? Maybe you include these foods in your diet because you think they are healthy and that's why it costs youlose weight . It is best to consume fresh fruits and vegetables. Beware!

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