7 causes of drug addiction

Many individuals who become entangled in the use of drugs, is for reasons that depend on the circumstances in which they find themselves. You can start out by curiosity and eventually get hooked.

The person may have been exposed to a drug or may be someone who needs medication to cope with the pressures of life or for other reasons.

The addiction happens when the drug has been used constantly until the user becomes dependent. Most do not wait or do not believe this can happen to them.

1 Curiosity

According to the studies, curiosity is usually the principle of addictions. There are individuals who start experimenting with certain drugs based on what they have heard, what they feel after they have tried it, or curiosity as to why certain substances are prohibited.

This situation is commonly applied to adolescents. Although the use could have started being recreational, sometimes it results in a real addiction.

2 Prescribed drugs

Drugs prescribed by doctors and bought at the pharmacy can become addicted. The use of medications may be misused for other purposes. The most used are antidepressants, stimulants and painkillers. Drug addicts take it more often or the prescribed amount. Although the vast majority do not get hooked with these drugs, some do become dependent.


3 Pressures of life

Some turn to drugs as a way to adapt to the pressures of life, stress and problems. Common reasons for this are family problems, school and relationships. They thought of drugs as a way to escape but their brains are only being controlled by drugs. They want to be contained in a world feeling good, relaxed and have an imaginary and temporary world.

4 Promises to improve performance

If you think that famous and successful athletes have no reason to become addicted, you are wrong. Even they are inclined to do so. There are drugs that serve as dietary supplements and specialize in improving performance. An example is steroids. Using them not only makes your muscles bigger, it also reduces the pain for athletes to follow, even when they are hurt. However, they can ruin your life.

5 Exposure to a drug addict

If a person is exposed to someone who is an addict, he or she can be taken to the addiction.

Other people who may be influenced are, for example, close friends, colleagues and family members. The family is a very critical factor influences, especially in children who are growing. Children have a tendency to adapt to the values ​​and behavior of the family member even if he is an addict, because the family is usually the first and most important example.


6 Group pressure

To be able to fit into a certain environment or social situation, it can be tempting to be like any other person in that group. If you think that group pressure is only applicable for children and young people in schools, you are wrong.

The pressure of the group can happen to anyone at any age. Even adults are under pressure from the group at work, their new neighborhood and new social classes.

However, adolescents are more susceptible to group pressure because of curiosity, exploration and the search for their own identity. In the same way adolescents give in to the pressure of the group, as part of proving their independence to the point of rebelling against their parents.

7 Easy access

By having easy access to buy and consume drugs, individuals are more likely to get what they want when they want it. Drugs can be bought on the streets, with a friend, partner, colleague, neighbor, and even at the nearest pharmacy.

Video Medicine: What Causes Drug Addiction - 24/7 Addiction Helpline Call 1(800)-615-1067 (April 2024).