6 tips to improve your digestion

A bad digestion hinders the absorption of food and causes some discomforts such as acidity , inflammation , excess of belching and flatulence , regurgitation , sickness Y bad breath , among others.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the INSK nutritionist Carmen Haro, explains the digestion process:

The food must be completely digested so that it does not leave any toxic residue and does not interfere with the metabolic processes. Each enzyme and the Gastric acid they must be segregated in the right amount, at the right time and the intestinal wall It must be in a good condition.

To improve your digestion Follow these recommendations:

1. Establish a schedule for your meals. The biological clock of your organism gets used to the fixed schedules and thus you favor your digestion .
2. Consume more fiber . Regulates intestinal activity and avoids constipation .
3. Major hydration . Drinking water facilitates digestion .
4. Relax. Eat calmly, do it in a quiet environment, chewing well and savoring the food.
5. Exercise . As has always been recommended, the physical activity is a solution to avoid bad digestion and improve the intestinal work .

Do not forget to include foods rich in proteins such as fish, chicken, turkey and skim milk, which help to strengthen the valve that protects the stomach

Remember to modify and adopt healthy habits for your food, with which you can prevent the baddigestion trigger some disease, ulcer or injury . Moderation takes you away from a harmful lifestyle. And you. Do you take an adequate time to eat every day?

Video Medicine: 10 Healthy Tips to Improve Your Digestive System (April 2024).