6 tips to help an addicted child

The United Association for the Prevention of Addictions, of Monterrey, Nuevo León (Mexico), makes a series of recommendations on how to help those who suffer from a problem of drug addiction .

Do not try to convince an addict that he abandons alcohol or drugs. Much less when he is intoxicated. You must understand that the desire to continue consuming by an addict, will be stronger than the scolding, pleas or tears of one of your loved ones who unsuccessfully tries to convince you to leave this evil path.

As a general rule, the addict comes to see that their poisoning they harm some of their loved ones and as they ask you not to consume, they will rebel and continue consuming to show them that they know what they are doing and that they will stop using it whenever they want and not when they tell them to. Although difficult for many parents, it is best to deny them entry home when they are intoxicated and prohibit them from having drugs or consuming them inside the home.

Do not tell lies.

It is better to face the facts honestly. Tell him that you are aware of his drug and alcohol consumption, of the negative consequences and that there are some solutions, the same ones that you are already informed of.

Do not rate it as vicious or of a weak person, without willpower.

Mention that you have a disease and that it can be attended to on time. Most addicts are blamed and shamed for the acts of bad judgment that they commit intoxicated and if they are insisted that what they suffer is a disease, they will feel less uncomfortable and probably ask for help.

Do not overprotect it

Allow him to face and fix the negative consequences of his actions. If you solve all the messes in which you usually get involved, you will never ask for the help you need.

Do not threaten him with something that will not fulfill or that will only fulfill momentarily.

If you are going to punish him, think carefully before talking about the sanction so that it results. Many addicts continue to consume and create problems within the home because they know that their loved ones will not meet their threats or will only do so for a short period of time. Put limits on their destructive capacity and make them respect the home, its material goods, its rules and traditions.

Procure Do not discuss any important topic when you are intoxicated.

The feelings of guilt that they have impel them to try to fix or manipulate everything in their favor and thus avoid the consequences of their acts of bad judgment. Try to talk to him when you notice that the effects of alcohol or drugs have passed and preferably mention what happened during the poisoning, pointing out that he needs help and encouraging him to receive it as soon as possible.

Video Medicine: 6 Tips to reduce mobile phone/television addiction in your kids (April 2024).