6 reasons why you do not lose weight

You've been weeks diet , you have taken 2 liters of water daily, eat salads and nothing? Are you still weighing 68 kilos? still carrying a balanced diet and practicing exercise regularly. This is not normal, unless you have certain habits that prevent you from reaching your goal. Check the list:

1. You transport yourself in the same way. If you take the elevator when you go up 2 floors, it is better that you walk now and go up the stairs. Although this seems insignificant, it is something that influences your metabolism .

These small changes can make all the difference. The calories that you are going to burn when using the stairs, are the same ones that you ate in the sweet that was offered to you, the cookie while you were cooking, the soft drink, etc.

2. You love your diet coca. If it does not have calories It does not make you fat, right? This is the line with which the diet sodas . Recent studies of Diabetes Care found that consuming diet coca regularly is associated with an increased risk of suffering metabolic syndrome Y type 2 diabetes .

They are also doing studies on whether it is a factor in weight gain. What is proven is that the more diet coca you drink, the longer you will remain trapped in the sugar cycle, making you continue to desire it.

3. You eat in front of the TV or computer . This is not new, but we have to repeat it. Eating in front of the television or computer, yes fatten . According to a study Journal of Clinical Nutrition, if a person eats in this way increases the amount of food that he ingests at that moment, and in the rest of the day.

Enjoy your meal in the company of your friends and family. This way your brain will register that it is ingesting food and will send you a signal that it is satisfied at the right moment, and you will be able to listen to it.

4. Your friends do not support you . We all have a friend like this: "Are you on a diet? For what? Look, try these delicious cookies that I cooked last night. " The support of the people around us is essential to achieve our goal.

Being on a diet requires a lot of willpower. Surround yourself with people who are willing to support you in this process, who cheer you up and tell you how beautiful you look with the kilos you have downloaded. Avoid seeing that skinny friend who eats the taqueria and does not get fat, at least while you're at diet .

5. You forget about diet on weekends . If you are dieting from Monday to Friday in the afternoon, and then over dinner, you will lose weight.

A diet It must be a balanced diet plan, where you do not stay hungry and learn to eat all the food without exceeding it. This continues to apply if it is Saturday or Sunday.

We know that the weekend is a complicated moment full of food temptations. You can give yourself permission to eat a bit more than usual, but do not eat the whole restaurant, and if you go to dinner with your boyfriend in the burgers, eat a salad at noon and try to make dinner early.

6. You sleep less than 5 hours . Rest is one of the great pleasures of life. Sleeping less than 5 hours alters the digestive hormones responsible for controlling hunger and the feeling of fullness. The relationship is obvious.

Adults should sleep 7 hours a day, but if you are diet try to make them 8 so that the organism is so rested that the only thing that concentrates on is to lose weight.

Remember that a diet is a lifestyle. It is not about limiting yourself or following "fashionable foods". The basis of a good diet is the balance, variety and incorporation of the physical activity .

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Video Medicine: How to Flatten Your Belly in 10 Days (April 2024).