6 facts you did not know about sperm

Within the sexual act, the human body, man or woman, expels substances that not only are part of the fact but also contribute to reproduction and other mechanisms that interact within the individual, such as sperm.

However, what do you know about sperm? To answer this question we offer you 6 curious facts that you did not know about this one.

1. The sperm They need 10 weeks in the testicles to reach maturity.

2. If they are not expelled in the ejaculate, the sperm decompose and are reabsorbed by the body.

3. Semen contains only 10% sperm, the rest contains enzymes, vitamin C, calcium, protein, sodium, zinc, citrus and fructose.

4. The diet of men affects the taste of semen. Foods such as red meat, onion, garlic and coffee will not have the same effect as the natural sugars contained in fruits.

5. Healthy men produce about 70 to 150 million sperm a day, but when they ejaculate they lose 3 times that amount, which is why they run out of energy after sex.

6. Inside the body of a woman sperm can live up to 5 days.

In addition to these data, little known, according to a study conducted by the European Center for Advanced Research and Studies which is linked to the Max Planck Institute In Germany, sperm are able to perform complex calculations at record times.

The investigation revealed that when the ovum releases attractants that modify the concentration of calcium inside the sperm, they do not react to the concentration itself, but to the changes that occur in it.

What they measure are the rates of change over time, that is, how fast or slow the concentration of calcium that enters the cell from outside changes. In mathematical language, what they do is calculate the temporal derivative.

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Video Medicine: Sperm Facts That You Probably Didn’t Know | 10 Interesting Facts about Sperm Cells (April 2024).