5 yoga postures that improve your fertility

Conceiving a baby can generate a lot of stress in the mother, so sometimes it is necessary to undergo fertility treatments.


If you plan the arrival of a baby, remember that it must be something natural, do not push yourself; you can practice yoga to improve fertility . Therefore, in GetQoralHealth , we present you some positions:


5 yoga postures that improve your fertility


According to Mexican Institute of Yoga (IMY) , the practice of this discipline improves fertility , since it balances and regulates the reproductive cycle. Try it:


1. Janu Sirsasana or posture of the head on the knee, It is good because it tones uterus and ovaries, also helps maintain hormonal balance.



2. Bridge position with fulcrum . Gently support your body on the floor, belly up, bend the knees so that your feet are close to the buttocks. Make sure your feet are resting firmly on the floor, elevate your pelvis.



3. Cobbler posture or sitting angle. It helps to improve fertility, since it helps to expand the pelvic area and the joints of the hips, increases circulation to the pelvis, stimulates the functioning of the ovaries and balances hormones.


Sitting on a mat or blanket, with her legs extended in front of her; Exhale and bend your knees, gently bringing your heels towards your body.


Move your heels towards your body as much as possible, keeping the outer edges of them firmly in contact with the ground until you feel comfortable.


4. Posture of the feet on the wall. It is considered a pose of relaxation and is an excellent way to end any session of yoga :


To perform this simple posture, start by finding a solid wall. Place a folded blanket or mattress under your neck if you think that this way it will be easier to perform the posture, and that you will also feel more comfortable.


Lie on the floor, place your glutes as close to the wall as possible.


During an exhalation, slowly extend your legs towards the wall so that your body forms a 90 degree angle. Continue inhaling and exhaling.



5. Cat's posture. According to Yoga Institute Kai Palermo Soho, This asana helps to tone the female reproductive organs.


Stand in four places with knees and hands resting on the floor. Arches the column down and raises the head.


Lower the head and arch the column up. Again raise your head and arch the column down. Leaves arms straight and vertical.



To practice yoga improvement not only fertility of women, but also that of men. Teamwork is always better. Dare to practice yoga with your partner!

Video Medicine: 5 Effective Yoga Poses For CONCEIVING & FERTILITY BOOSTING (April 2024).