5 vices that attack sexual desire

Although there is no accurate parameter to measure the level oflibido In each pair, experts affirm that not only does it differ from person to person, individually it is also difficult to predict it because the pace of life, personal habits and certain vices spoil you sexual desire .

Silvestre Faya, sexual therapist at the Center for Sexuality and Population Studies , explains that the obsessive repetition of actions considered "reprehensible", from the moral point of view, has been called vice . In the sexuality May cause discomfort rejection, disgust or breaking off .


5 vices that attack sexual desire

Given the effects negative that produces in itself a vice , we present a list, which according to Faya They are the ones that spoil your sexual desire .

1. Excess of exercise. The extensive sessions in the gym cause you to be exhausted when you arrive at your house, without the intention of starting a romance in your bedroom. This, in addition to the conflict it can cause, also leads to infidelity or breakup.

2. Virtual sex The specialist points out that technology offers the opportunity to obtain sexual excitement in a virtual world, but not real. The couple conflict appears when, before the meeting sexual , the cell phone or computer is indiscriminately consulted to enter the so-called "hot lines" and increase the libido . Another problem is when you do not have access to these triggers of pleasure, vigor and enthusiasm go out.

3. Masturbation. If the practice is excessive, the sexual appetite gets lost. There are marriages that break because the sexual interest of your partner decreases due to your exacerbated desire to watch pornographic content to stimulate yourself, ignoring your partner.

4. Dependence on sex toys. To achieve excitement , one of the members of the couple needs a previous game erotic with an object or fantasy sexual . This generates in the other, the sensation of not being him or her sensual enough to awaken his desire. As it is a repetitive behavior it could cause satiety and anger.

5. Tobacco addiction and drug addiction. This type of vices generates constant stress in the couple, affecting the frequency of encounters. The need to stimulate any addictive substance, also harms communication in the couple, alters patterns of demonstration of affection and even dehumanizes the sexuality to the degree of reaching violent or humiliating acts.

According to an article by Psychology Today , the decrease in sexual desire Sometimes it is inevitable in a long-term relationship. It can also arise because of certain ailments or lack of esteem.

If you notice that these vices have affected your sexual desire , experts say that it is possible to recover it with therapy, medication and, above all, with the help of the couple. Live your sexuality to the fullest!