5 treatments vs vulvodynia

Vulvodynia is chronic pain in the vulva that damages the sexual life of women, says the doctor Leopoldo Vázquez Estrada, gynecologist-obstetrician and biologist of human reproduction.

According to the National Vulvodynia Association (NVA), vulvodynia is generated by different causes such as a lesion in the nerves that transmit sensations to the female genital area, hypersensitivity for an infection such as candidiasis, as well as weakness of the pelvic floor.

The association details that the symptoms are different for each woman, since some present pain in different parts of the genitals or an intense burning in a single point.

By presenting this type of discomfort, women avoid intimate contact with the partner, which damages the relationship by losing sexual desire. Therefore, it is important to go with a specialist to provide them with an appropriate treatment such as the following:

1.- Botox. In an interview for GetQoralHealth, Leopoldo Vázquez Estrada, gynecologist-obstetrician, explains why botox is the best treatment to reduce the discomforts of vulvodynia.

2.- Oral medications. The NVA details that this type of drugs that include antidepressants, serotonin-norepinephrine inhibitors, anticonvulsants or opioids, block pain.

3.- Topical medications. Hormone creams, anesthetics or compound formulations reduce the discomfort generated by hypersensitivity.

4.- Surgery. Surgical procedures remove the hyperalgesic area of ​​the skin in patients with localized vulvodynia. Even vaginal biofeedback and cognitive behavior therapy reduce pain, says International Association for the Study of Pain .

5.- Change of feeding. A diet balanced with fruits and vegetables improves the quality of life of women suffering from vulvodynia. Simple carbohydrates and saturated fats should be limited. Take two liters of water a day.

Remember that a good genital hygiene reduces the presence of infections that generate diseases such as vulvodynia. Before any discomfort do not hesitate to visit your doctor so that you have a full and satisfactory sexual life. And you, have you ever felt genital pain?

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Video Medicine: Vulvodynia ¦ Treatment and Symptoms (April 2024).