5 tips to trust people

A person experiences different experiences throughout their lives, which determine how they interact and interact socially. However, if someone has had more than one bad experience, low self-esteem or unrealistic expectations, it is very common for him to trust people.

To trust people is to believe in what they tell us and in what people want to convey about themselves, their values, attitudes, way of being, beliefs , etc. and feedback in the same sense each relationship, explains the psychologist Trinidad Aparicio Pérez , according to pulevasalud.com

For this, the most important thing is to know how to set limits and not exceed the trust we give or the one we place in others, which is why, in GetQoralHealth we present you with some tips to trust people and to learn to manage yourself in an intelligent and effective way with your environment:

1. From the beginning, it is preferable to think well of the whole world until they show us the opposite. Trust can not be blind, so we have to know who to trust and whom to trust.

2. Body language. There is information in each person who does not give it his way of speaking, but his movements, and that is what he must learn to observe. Have peripheral vision, but leaving aside emotions .

3. Work. Some people do not trust their co-workers and prefer to do the tasks alone. Sometimes, it is because it does not compensate for time, and sometimes does not have enough vision or leadership to realize that sharing helps the investment yield more.

4. Think cold . It is important to learn to manage emotions , but above all realize that talking or acting when you have the "hot head" sometimes worsens situations that generate distrust. Therefore, it is better to calm down, give yourself a minute, and give your fair dimension to things.

5. Do not idealize people . Taking things for granted only gives rise to doubt or distrust for lack of information. Do not think that others will do what you want or how you understand it. It is best to always speak clearly about what you want from a task or relationship.

Remember that it is not possible to live without trusting people, because, with few exceptions, being alone makes it difficult to develop in any environment. We depend on others, but not on their ignorance, or on their own, so procuring honesty with others is a key in personal relationships.

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Video Medicine: 5 Tips To Recover The Trust Of Your Partner (April 2024).