5 tips to stimulate your baby's speech

From birth to six months of age, the communication form of yourbaby is through the babbling; resort to crying, gestures, smiles, etc., as a way of language . Gradually he will develop the ability to speak, and at the end of his first year of life, he will be ready to talk with you.

Here are five easy tips that will help you stimulate the language development from your baby :

1. Chat with him without stopping, to get used to your voice and the different sounds of the environment. The more you talk and encourage him to respond, you will learn to speak much faster and better. Be theatrical in your conversations and continually ask questions. Explain what you are doing always incorporating your name.

2. Tell him stories, start doing it as soon as possible, even if you know he does not understand you yet. Look for stories with appropriate illustrations for the child's age that invite him to look while you explain the drawings. Try books in which the child can imitate movements, sounds or textures that can touch.

3. Imitate the sounds you make, change the tone and volume. If he listens to you, stimulate him with new sounds and name them.

In this video you can see how language develops in babies:

4 . Most of the children, at the beginning, pronounce the words badly, and so the family also learns a new vocabulary, and they speak of the "tete", of the "wow wow". There is no problem if we adapt to these expressions, but we must not forget that the goal is to learn the correct pronunciation of words. That is why it is important to correct him a few times.

5. Sing, this is one of the best tools to stimulate speech development in your child. The best songs are those that repeat sounds and those that you can accompany with any activity.

With these simple tips to stimulate your baby's speech you will soon hear his first words, filling you with happiness for the result of his teamwork.

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Video Medicine: Childhood Speech and Language Delays (April 2024).