5 tips to stay calm

Among the daily activities, it is very easy to forget about the amount of stress to which you are exposed. However, the body is very aware of this and the tension manifests itself in various problems of Health . According to information from Huffington Post when there is a stress constant, the nervous system remains excited and with small amounts of pressure you can feel overwhelmed. GetQoralHealth It helps you create a healthy routine relaxation .

1. Look for the signs: The best way to handle the stress is to prevent it from accumulating. However, it can be difficult to identify what your degree of tension . Therefore, it is important that you are very alert to the signals of your body: fatigue, lack of appetite , insomnia , etc.

2. Change your focus: When you feel tense, shift your attention to something else. Find a quiet place to sit and relax. Take long, deep breaths. When you inhale count to four and exhale. The breathing helps to calm the nervous system .

3. Exercise: It is very easy to use the stress as an excuse to avoid doing exercise . However, physical activity balances emotions and eliminates tension . In addition, it produces endorphins , what are the hormones responsible for producing you pleasure .

4. Moment of the snak : When there are episodes of stress , many people take refuge in food, especially in sweet foods that only increaseNervousness . Experts recommend consuming foods rich in vitamin C or dark chocolate, since both reduce the levels of cortisol .

5. Move: If you stay static in the situations that produce you stress , you will only feel more overwhelmed. The best thing is to go out and breathe some fresh air to improve your perspective and make better decisions.

With these simple steps create your relaxation routine that allows you to reduce the stress daily. Another good option to achieve this is the aromatherapy , always have lavender or citrus essences at hand, when you smell them you will feel much better.

Video Medicine: 5 Ways Successful People Stay Calm in Stressful Situations (ANIMATED) (April 2024).