5 tips to prevent an intimate infection

The vaginitis is a infection or irritation in the vagina . Its main symptom is a secretion caused by different microorganisms. The zone is a delicate cavity that normally stays humid and with an acidic environment.

The specialists detail that a secretion it is normal when the flow is mucous and does not have a strong odor or causes irritation; while in the abnormal, it is thicker or thicker, includes unpleasant odor, blood stains or itching, irritation or inflammation of the vulva (inner lips)

To prevent vaginitis It is convenient to observe hygienic measures, here we give you five tips:

  1. Asea daily genitals external (vulva). Avoid using perfumed soaps; rinse and dry yourself well.
  2. Wear cotton underwear; avoid tight or tight pants or pants.
  3. Avoid the use of showers for feminine hygiene and bubbles or bath oils, because they can cause very serious irritations.
  4. After going to the bathroom, clean from front to back, not to bring germs to the vagina .
  5. Keep one diet balanced Avoid coffee, sugars, alcohol, soda, condiments, because these foods tend to change the vaginal acidity.


The most common vaginal infections

Candidiasis ( monilia): This infection causes thick, white discharge (like cottage cheese), has a yeast odor and can cause itching vulva . It is not transmitted through sexual contact, it is more common in the pregnancy , in women diabetics , What are you drinking contraceptive pills or antibiotics, use scented tampons or showers to hygiene feminine

Trichomonas : Generates a greenish-yellowish, frothy flow with an unpleasant odor, itching on the vulva and burning when urinating. It is transmitted through sexual contact with an infected person, or through wet towels or swimsuits already infected.

Hemophylus vaginalis (simple vaginitis or garherella): Causes a secretion gray or yellow, smell like fish and burning when urinating. It is transmitted mainly through sexual contact.

Vulvitis : Causes acute fluid, itching, swelling, or blisters in the vulva ; It is more common among menopausal women or preadolescent girls. It is not transmitted by sexual contact, it results from hormonal changes or allergies to soaps, perfumed powders, sanitary towels and also some medicines.

The treatment to eliminate this type of ailments is done with medications prescribed by the doctor. It is important to finish it, even if the symptoms have disappeared. It is also recommended that your partner put it into practice, this ensures and prevents infections .

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Video Medicine: Tips to maintain healthy intimate area and prevent infections (April 2024).