5 tips to overcome prejudices

Do you reject those who are different from you? According to Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, Prejudice is the action or opinion that is generated without giving the other person the opportunity to be known. Do you have prejudices?

We live in a society full of stereotypes and therefore full of prejudices, which prevent us from trying, learning and understanding others. Limiting in this way your social circle and emotional well-being.

However, how to have a life free of prejudice? GetQoralHealth gives you five keys to achieve it:

1. Time . Before issuing a comment or cataloging a person, you should take the time to know it well. Observe with a certain distance and try not to act impulsively, so that the other person can act freely and behave naturally. If you do not give him the opportunity, you will never know if you were right with what you thought.

2. Think before you speak. You should try to avoid all those words that are destructive to both you and the other person. Try to think positively, stay open to the situation, in order to accept differences and not judge them.

3. We are all the same. No one is a better person because they dress, speak or act in this or that way. Do not fall into the error of believing that you are qualified to judge. All human beings are different. Never forget!

4. Sincerity. Do not take for granted something based on assumptions. If you have any doubt in relation to certain situations, ask the person directly. Especially, if it's about attitudes or reactions. Sometimes, what we consider a grievance, in reality for the other person is not.

5. Everything is in your head. Prejudices exist in the mind of each person, therefore, that is where you must eradicate them. It is a task that you must do day by day.

Prejudices not only harm the people around you but also you, as they limit interaction and your development within a social environment.

Video Medicine: Prejudice & Discrimination: Crash Course Psychology #39 (April 2024).