5 tips to optimize your routine and lose weight

Do you exercise to lose weight, but it does not work? Weight loss is a process that is based on four pillars: food, emotional health, supplements and movement; however, what causes a stagnation in the latter or simply does not work; what can be done to avoid it.

Essential component for good health, exercise favors weight loss, provided it is done in the right way, at the ideal time and perfect physical activity for each organism. Thus, GetQoralHealth, with information from Huffpost Voices , gives you five keys to optimize your routine:

1. Move. In accordance with Alejandro Chabán , author of the book "From fat to gallant" , the movement has to be part of your life, try to make periods of 35 minutes three times a week. It is not necessary to live in a gym, what matters is that you move and raise the pulsations of the heart, this with the aim of burning calories.

2. What is the best? A study of Medical Center of the University of Duke, in the United States , indicates that aerobic training is the best way to lose weight. Cardiovascular exercises are low or medium intensity exercises that depend more on oxygenation capacity than on physical strength; example, dancing, swimming or running on the street.

3. Better early than later . To maximize the effects of exercise, the ideal time is in the morning, since the metabolism works faster, so exercising at this time of day will give you almost 15% increase in results.

Cardiovascular activity increases the fat burning process by a physiological balance of some specific nutrients. These levels of glycogen, which is a carbohydrate, are consumed at night to maintain basic metabolic processes. When glycogen levels are low in the morning, cardiovascular activity burns fat instead of this glycogen.

4. Avoid the routine. The human body is accustomed to the same exercises as always and stagnates in a process of no growth and not lose neither the fat nor the water that it contains. That is why we should always vary training routines as well as frequency, speed and weight.

To see a change in a workout, you must spend two to three weeks taking into account that you would work each muscle of the body twice a week. If that time passes and you do not see any change, then you should immediately change the exercise routine, the weight load you use, the number of sets and repetitions you do.

5. Intensity . Although more intensity consumes more calories, you should keep in mind that you should be able to complete the time of the session by doing the exercise continuously. For states of basic form and objective of fat reduction, you will get more out of the session by prolonging its duration and maintaining a balanced intensity.

Exercising to lose weight can help you for other areas; example, improve your sleep, the functions of your brain and mood. Move and get your goals?

Video Medicine: 5 Intermittent Fasting Tricks to Burn Fat Faster (April 2024).