5 signs of insulin resistance in the skin

The skin It is a reflection of how insulin accelerates growth throughout our body, so it can be identified when certain foods contribute to weight gain due to insulin resistance.

When the lines of the neck are more marked, they are the necessary clue to discover why you fatten even without eating much, although they are not dangerous.

In addition to determining the fate of glucose (sugar) in blood, insulin is responsible for promoting growth; that is, by adding a few drops of insulin, everything begins to multiply.

Also the gland that makes the most saliva is susceptible to growth by that stimulus. His name is parotid and it is just ahead of the ear lobe.

When insulin levels have remained elevated for more than 20 years, the growth of parotid pushes to the ear, when folding backwards a groove is created in the lobe.

They also grow at an accelerated rate skin cells and some signs of elevated insulin levels are observed:

Signs of high levels of high insulin:

1. Acrocordons: verruguitas in the neck
2. Very marked lines on the neck
3. Acanthosis nigricans: dark coloration in the neck and armpits
4. Small moles reds on the skin
5. Fold in the lobe of the ear

Those people who get fat because of problems with the testosterone or for hypothyroidism , they require a laboratory test to confirm it.

Sometimes a test is done to measure insulin levels, although the diagnosis should always be made taking into account the symptoms, family history and some signs in the skin .

Video Medicine: Diabetes Signs and Symptoms (2018) (April 2024).